These botanical drinks started with founder Paul's walks as a child, soaking up knowledge from his botanist father. Now this knowledge and experience of Paul’s, himself a botanist and conservationist, manifests itself as a prize winning non-alcoholic aperitif brand, Everleaf.
He's gone on to develop the key flavours of Forest, Marine and Mountain, which are all built on ingredients inspired and derived from their individual biome environments. These flavours are all sourced sustainably and regeneratively and the company is a 1% for the Planet committed company working toward B Corp certification and fair trade status this year with carbon neutral goals by the end of 2022.
Finding the core of Paul's story reminds us how important it is to choose brands that care and have integrity, it allows our inquisitive and open storytelling to thrive having so much inspiration in front of us. Producing this video and telling his story of evolution included iconic locations with heartfelt meaning to the brand - everything is connected in a meaningful way. The details in this brand video needed careful consideration, research and development to showcase a story built on heritage, made sustainability and inspired by nature. We produced over a dozen edits and ads from the project for all their social channels including Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn shining a light on all the unique selling points of Everleaf such as sustainability, flavour and the origin biomes of all three flavours.